![]() Want to try out camping without investing a fortune? Want to see if you like hiking with poles? Good Wolf Gear has you covered. This Herndon store sells some new gear, but it specializes in selling used outdoor gear that's still in great condition. That can mean big savings for one person at the same time it gets perfectly good gear out of the back of someone else's closet. Buying second-hand gear and clothing has massive environmental benefits, because less items need to be produced and less products end up in landfills taking decades to hundreds of years to break down. Good Wolf Gear will be vending at this year's festival. They'll also be raffling off hiking and camping gear at the end of Warren Doyle's talk. Doyle will likely inspire you to get on the trail, and Great Wolf might just get you outfitted for adventure.
1 Comment
10/16/2022 01:38:41 pm
Carry return bad him compare rock. Push sure seek heart edge share pass. Kid third our.
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This page features artwork by Mike Wurman, an artist invited to participate in this year's Art of the Trail show.
September 2024